What is Your Fall Flower Soul Mate?

Happy fall from Commemorate the Date! Take this quiz to find your fall flower soul mate.

The best part of fall is:

  1. Apple picking, pumpkin patches and hayrides
  2. Getting everyone back into a routine
  3. Sometimes the weather is nice like in summer

Which color dress or tie would you wear to your High School Homecoming Dance? 

  1. Burgundy, red or gold
  2. Pink, yellow or white
  3. Midnight blue

It’s 15 degrees Fahrenheit and you’re dressed as a ballerina for Halloween. Do you:

  1. Head out as-is to collect your loot
  2. Switch to your cold weather back-up costume
  3. Skip trick-or-treating – it’s way too cold

Complete this sentence: When I am in a corn maze…

  1. I feel right at home.
  2. I wish I had a map.
  3. Pigs will fly.

What is your favorite fall holiday?

  1. I love every day in fall
  2. Thanksgiving
  3. Labor Day

If you picked mostly 1’s, click here!

If you picked mostly 2’s, click here!

If you picked mostly 3’s, click here!

Stockholm Art Fair This Weekend!

Look at those happy cats, enjoying live music, art, wine and anchovies(?) near beautiful Lake Pepin. You, too, could be this happy. Just head over to the Stockholm Art Fair this weekend. Megan Moore and Commemorate the Date will be there and would love to have you stop by. The show is this Saturday from 10-5.
